What Is a Place With a Funny Name

Humptulips, Washinton

Choosing a worthy travel destination is the nearly important function of any vacation; hell (we'll become back to that), information technology's the "where" of you lot bothering to go "there". And, while you may rank things like climate, civilisation, civilities, and nightlife loftier on your list, allow us to propose a different criterion: only spend your paid-time-off in places with hilarious names. Think of the comedic t-shirt collection y'all'll amass!

Bumpass, Washington
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14. Bumpass, Virginia
Thank the Bumpass family whose scion Jack Bumpass brought this hilarious boondocks name into being and, thus, transformed this slice of the northeast corner of VA into an oddity-traveler'due south mecca.
Favorite traveler'due south resource: The Virginia State Tourism Board's website, Bumpass is for Lovers.

Intercourse, Pennsylvania
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13. Intercourse, Pennsylvania
In the heart of southeastern PA's Amish Country and the setting for the Harrison Ford/ Kelly McGillis picture show Witness, it seems as though Intercourse is positioned to be the least probable place in America to live up to its name. That said, travelers exist warned...
Safety tip: ... Intercourse is less than ten miles away from Blue Ball, PA. Then be VERY careful when setting your GPS, or else programme for an entirely more disappointing weekend away.

Fucking, Austria.
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12. Fucking, Republic of austria
Welcome to Intercourse's more than brazen sister city, 20mi north of Salzburg.
Traveler'due south tip: The village folk (population: 104) got sick and tired of English language-speaking tourists stealing their Fucking signage. So in 2004, after a vote to alter the name of the boondocks after 800yrs failed to pass, they decided to install theft-resistant signs welded to steel.
Tawdry traveler's tip: Once visitors realized they couldn't hands rip up a route-marker, they started filming themselves "in the human activity" in front end of the sign-posts. In 2009 the Fuckingers got tired of it and installed CCTV cameras. Exist forewarned.

Gobbler's Knob, Pennsylvania

11. Gobbler's Knob, Pennsylvania
The rural surface area a couple miles outside of Punxsutawney garners the earth's attention as much for its weather-predicting groundhog as its vaguely hilarious name.
Steer clear: The Knob may be a peaceful place for most of the yr, but it should be avoided at all costs for the knobs that gather in the early morning hours each February 2nd.

Hell, Norway
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10. Hell, Kingdom of norway
Believe information technology or not, the founders of this burg in southwestern Norway named it "Hell" later on the Old Norse give-and-take "hellir", which translates to "overhang" -- not the feeling you lot become from eating lutefisk.Fire in: Another place. Hell's one of the colder places in the world; in fact, it'southward actually frozen over a third of the yr. Blast, tish.

Dildo, Newfoundland, Canada
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9. Dildo, Canada
According to Wikipedia, this town got its proper noun from the "phallus-shaped pin stuck in the edging of a row gunkhole to act as a pivot for the oar"... Mmmhmm... Sure, Canadians. Whatever you say.
Favorite local tourism site: TripAdvisor'south Dildo Vacations; be sure to open that one in an Incognito browser, or face bad-mannered questions from girlfriends, roommates, and Hr.

Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch, Wales
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8. Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch, Wales
Yeah. A small village in Wales calls itself by a name with more messages than residents... And we're like 65% sure nosotros didn't spell it incorrect.
Interesting fact: The township's tourism folks own the internet's longest valid domain proper name in the world; toss a ".org.uk" after their 63 characters and you're on your mode to learning more about Llanfairpwll-oh-forget-about-it. Just if y'all've only got 30secs, click to hear how the identify's actually pronounced.

Twatt, Scotland
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7. Twatt, Scotland
Believe information technology or not, Scotland has two Twatts. There'southward one on the Orkney Islands and another on the Shetland Islands, and both of them are equally snicker-worthy. Our extensive research reveals that the only thing to do in either Twatt is stand next to the road sign with an arrow pointing your mode.
Etymology: The name comes from an Old Norse word pregnant "small parcel of state".

Middelfart, Denmark

half-dozen. Middelfart, Denmark
Aaaaaand with Denmark'south E Jutland boondocks of Middelfart, we go into the near juvenile portion of our list...
Historical background: Middelfart was a hub for whale hunters from the Middle Ages until the end of the 19th century. Fifty-fifty though whaling became officially uncool in the 20th century, Middelfarters reverted to their quondam habits during both of the world wars.

Muff, Ireland
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5. Muff, Ireland
Ane might notice that Muff's awesomely close to Burnfoot, despite beingness eons beyond information technology in the schema of funny city names. If you exercise hit the northern Ireland port city, you'll be happy to know they even have a sanctioned Muff Diving Guild.
Best time to visit: During the Muff Festival, of course. That's when you lot'll take the chance to seduce the Muff Queen afterward yous kill it at the Lorry (truck) Pulling Competition. Should she non be suitably impressed, attend the Bilingual Historical Walk and endeavor your best Gaelic selection-up line.

Humptulips, Washinton
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four. Humptulips, Washington
Humptulips?! Told you information technology was virtually to get juvenile... Merely, don't worry, the western Washington town got its name from a totally-innocent-sounding Native American phrase meaning "hard to pole". Interpret that phrase as you will, only information technology'southward likely our Native American friends were referring to the difficulty of parking their canoes in this town.
Super modest town: There are only lx families hither, and then you'll either fear xenophobia or consider yourself welcomed to diversify the genetic pool. Either way, it'southward prissy to bring flowers the first time you visit your neighbors.

Titty Hill, Sussex, England
Cathy Brickwood

3. Titty Colina, England
Located in rural Sussex, Titty Hill is a great place to base of operations yourself for trips to nearby Wetwang and Shitterton.
Traveler'due south resources: In that location ain't any. Skilful luck.

Pee Pee Township, Ohio
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2. Pee Pee Township, Ohio
Located in the centre of scenic State highway County, Pee Pee was named after the Pee Pee River, a name derived from the initials of an Irish settler, not what comprises its waters.
Local eats: The merely business with a sizable presence online is Chester'southward Chicken and Milkshake Shoppe. We honey craven and shakes, merely hate their spare "PE" as much as nosotros hated actual "P.E."

Anus, France
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1. Anus, French republic
Because how could the idyllic French town of Anus not be No.1 on any such list?
Reason to visit: Only to tell the tale. There'south literally no other reason to head to this corner of Burgundy.


Source: https://www.thrillist.com/travel/nation/weird-and-unusual-places-the-worlds-most-ridiculous-place-names

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