I Microwaved a Lemon and Ill Do It Again Tumblr

I swallow rice a lot and basmati rice has the easiest cleanup in my experience. I cook it in an Instant Pot and it almost doesn't leave any residue at all. I buy the quick absurd dark-brown basmati from Trader Joe's but I think it may employ to basmati in full general. Brusk grain rice seems to leave the about and stickiest residue because of its starch content. Cooking a lot of rice at once to keep in the fridge and freezer is definitely cheaper than precooked rice.


Re: Rice residue

Rinse your rice!! No seriously, I looked this up in a frustration because cleaning up rice remainder was always the worst. It looked ridiculous but I tried it anyways. It's a game changer! Just put your rice in a colander/sieve with small holes and rinse information technology for a minute or ii before you cook it and you should have barely whatsoever rice to go rid of when cleaning. Manifestly it removes excess starch which makes the rice extra sticky.


whether to rinse rice or not is an age quondam debate with many factors, but i will publish this for those who are interested in easier cleanup

One thing I would add for the rice, which I just found out this week when I did it myself: non-stick pots and pans are your all-time friends. It doesn't go out the residue, so you don't have to drain your spoons more quickly by dreading having to wash information technology later if you're the type of person who *does* need to wash dishes as soon as they are used.


re: rice post, rice freezes and so welllllll! I've been making big batches, squishing information technology flat in gallon ziploc bags and dividing into squares before freezing. Break it autonomously with some good whacks in the morning and bam, you've got single-serve rice squares that microwave in a couple of minutes.

If y'all take some cooked proteins and/or frozen veggies, information technology's so low spoons to toss some in tupperware with a brick of rice and have an easy luncheon for work.


Yous're an accented hero


Want to throw this out there considering it helped me so much and maybe it could help someone else, but rice based meals specifically for breakfast are miraculous (particularly if you've been raised on Western breakfasts)

Rice cooker/instapot some the night earlier or a few days since it stays good in the fridge for a while, and but add together it to a pan of like just light-green onions and egg if im really low spoon takes max like 3 and a half minutes (dishes besides), i find its practiced when my CFS kicks, but my sister finds information technology helpful for her depression too,

It requires a little prep to exist real quick, but often worth it (additional tip to add some spices and butter [or ghee] to the rice, or coconut milk or goop if yous tin/want to mix it up) good for the autistic folk who might want to make the aforementioned affair every time, only also adhd pals who might not

And for my Poor fellows, its cheep; rice, dozen eggs (or tofu but thats a tad less lasting) and 3ish Canadian-dollar sause of choice tin can keep initial investment under $10-xv if y'all get a pocket-size pocketbook of rice, and Bulk Befouled spices can stay fashion under $3 if y'all become for but what y'all demand.


totally agree with you. rice rocks! hither'southward what i make pretty much weekly in the instapot:

2 cups water
two cups rice
8 minutes on loftier pressure
natural release of 20 minutes (normally)

warning: the pot WILL accept rice balance. it is very important to put it to soak or wash information technology immediately or you will have a very nasty pot! if this happens, you can put water & a few drops of soap in it and turn on the "saute" function for a few minutes - information technology will boil and assist the pot exist less crusted & hard to make clean. but the best thing you tin practice information technology set information technology to soak immediately!! you lot will exist and then grateful to yourself for doing this!

additionally, for a special care for, sometimes we get FORBIDDEN RICE. it'southward blackness rice that is more similar wild rice - information technology'southward chewy, rich, and nutty. feel similar trying something new with a different texture? check it out! you can apply the aforementioned instructions from higher up. it'south nigh affordable from the majority bins and y'all tin discover information technology in stores that carry "health foods."


My favorite quick and easy meal is to take as many chicken breast as I want to melt, a jar of pasta sauce and as many veggies equally I can manage. Stick information technology all in a casserole dish or square cake pan (depending on the chicken) and broil at 425 for 45 min. It's super easy and keeps well in the fridge (I commonly just identify the craven in the pan, open the sauce and cascade enough to embrace each chest but not like full the whole pan) and if I can manage I tuck in some quartered or sliced onions, garlic, carrots, or frozen veggies or potatoes and information technology all cooks together. If I can top it with cheese I will merely not until it comes out of the oven to cool.


Chicken "Carbonara"


  • 1 craven breast per person
  • ii/3 slices of bacon
  • 1 garlic clove/garlic powder
  • pinch of oregano
  • a few drops of tabasco sauce
  • your preferred pasta (I normally use penne)
  • tin can of cream of craven soup
  • oil
  • salt

Tools needed:

  • knife or sharp pair of kitchen scissors
  • large pot
  • pocket-size pot
  • garlic crusher (if using cloves)
  • kettle (optional)
  • wooden spoon
  • timer of some sort


  • cut bacon into small pieces and identify in large pot with oil
  • dice chicken breasts into bite-size cubes and add them making certain that they are cooked fully on the exterior at the very least simply preferably completely through
  • add together garlic and oregano to flavour
  • add cream of chicken soup and add a few drops of tabasco sauce
  • reduce rut to low and set timer for ten mins. stir when timer goes off. do this ¾ times.
  • eddy water for pasta either in kettle or in the smaller pot and add together salt and pasta
  • in one case pasta is cooked, add to chicken soup mixture and stir in.
  • serve and bask! recommend some garlic staff of life and as well you tin can add cheese if you lot similar.

Beans & Rice

Time: ~2 hours + prep

Servings: 5

½ ane-lb handbag dry beans (I used pinto), soaked overnight in 2-iii cups water
½ 1-lb bag rice (I used brown)
1 1.5-cup bag shredded cheese (optional)
iii roma tomatoes
i large xanthous onion
1-3 large bong peppers
2-4 jalapeno peppers (optional)
2-iii tsp. salt
Other ingredients & spices every bit desired

Bleed and rinse beans, add to a large stock pot with 3-4 cups water and the salt. Heat on medium.

Begin chopping the vegetables (if using pre-chopped, expect for the beans to start boiling). Commencement with the onion, add together information technology to the beans every bit soon as it'due south chopped. Yous can add together the other vegetables immediately or wait until yous add the rice.

Cover, allow the beans & vegetables to eddy for 45 minutes to ane hour. Stir occasionally, be careful of steam.

After 45 minutes to one hour, stir in the rice and two cups water. You lot tin can also add more salt, vegetables, or seasonings at this phase. Comprehend and permit to boil 1 hour, stirring slightly more frequently.

Afterwards 1 hour, remove from oestrus and stir in the cheese. Stir oft until it'due south absurd enough to serve.

Notes: steam can be a trouble, so you'll want to be careful when lifting the chapeau. You may be able to exercise this at a lower temperature. Information technology's okay to stir it less frequently, but it may fire a scrap. This turns out very soft and handles reheating well, just may be a scrap light on the salt for your taste.

For the nauseous betimes.

I get nauseous often due to a condition I have, and what I normally default to eating are potato chips (plain or salt and vinegar) and plain rice with a smidge of butter and table salt. I tend to make my own rice, merely you tin can buy microwavable rice for like $four.5aud and information technology takes 3 minutes to rut. I also drinkable a lot of miso soup during nauseous days as it's total of expert things and easy on the stomach. You tin purchase information technology as sashets or as a paste in a tub. All you demand to do is boil h2o and prepare it like tea. My preference is a tub of crimson miso (I too use it to cook) and I go a heaped teaspoon'southward worth in my favourite mug.

Also, you cannot go wrong with ginger and lemon tea. If you tin can get and exist bothered with fresh ginger, then that'due south better, as ginger is amazing for settling nausea. Sometimes I just crumb on a slice to assistance keep the nausea from being overwhelming when its really bad.


A recipe from my uni days:

Mug cake!

Get a large spoon full of ice cream in whatever season you fancy. Melt in the microwave and stir in some flour until it resembles cake batter in it'south consistency. Zap in the microwave for 1-two minutes.

Delicious mug cake. I sometimes still make this.


Never heard of this recipe with water ice cream!! Very fun :)

Theres a style I make cookies with cake mix.

You just take 1 box of cake mix, 2 eggs, and a half cup of veggie oil, and however many chocolate chips your centre desires.

Then you merely accept to pop them into the oven and 350° farenheit and start with about ten minutes. Chances are theyll need longer merely I like to keep an eye on then until the edges are golden brown, that's when they're ready.

But let them cool for a few minutes and boom! Yous accept delicious cookies!


Holy shit this worked and it was really good! I used chocolate block mix and it tasted like a fluffy brownie and information technology just took like 15 minutes including bake fourth dimension. 10/x will definitely make again

I utilise a Yonanas machine to get my fruits in in a less sensory hell feel. Basically you take frozen fruit, allow thaw slightly, and then push button through the machine. You don't have to button hard (information technology makes it smother if yous dont) and it chops it all up into polish, ice cream texture. Very tasty, and you can put it right back into the freezer to eat later



very cool! had never heard of one of these earlier. looks like they're nearly $twoscore-$50 USD new but it may be possible to find a used 1!

Theres a way I make cookies with cake mix.

You just take one box of cake mix, 2 eggs, and a half cup of veggie oil, and even so many chocolate chips your middle desires.

Then yous just have to pop them into the oven and 350° farenheit and commencement with about x minutes. Chances are theyll demand longer but I like to keep an eye on so until the edges are golden brown, that'due south when they're ready.

Simply let them absurd for a few minutes and blast! You accept delicious cookies!

my favorite low effort, low toll, quick, piece of cake black bean soup recipe (vegetarian)

-1 can of black beans, tuckered

-1 can of diced tomatoes, or two fresh ones diced

melt both in a bucket on medium-high about x minutes, smoosh the tomatoes with the back of a spoon, season to your liking and savour! it might be unproblematic but information technology's still an amazing soup. i top it with nutritional yeast and greek yogurt/sour cream. yay superfoods!!

do whatsoever of ya'll have suggestions for food i don't need to cook, like at all. no preparation just tear and eat, the past few weeks i've been getting bad hunger nausea and its way easier to eat things similar applesauce, fruit cups, ect. if its a actually unproblematic recipe (like, every bit simple equally cooking a tin of soup) and its good then that besides works. thank you ya'll. bonus if anyone knows any foods that are good to swallow while nauseous partially because bananas have a weird texture and saltines dry out my oral cavity.


followers? i'm working on fixing the no oestrus recipes tag which should have some leads, but non all of the recipes in that location are so simple.

i will say that repast replacement shakes tin can be a showtime line of defense against nausea from hunger/not being able to cook anything, and they're available in a multifariousness of flavors and for unlike dietary needs. i would say making sure you lot drink them chilled & shake them upward well beforehand is important for gustatory modality/texture.


Source: https://lowspoonsfood.tumblr.com/

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